Dear Canon Canada,
My name is Sarah Bertrand, and I am a young woman who enjoys photos, cameras, toast without Nutella on it, taking risks, and aggressive punk rock music. I am writing you this letter to commend you on your latest choice for the new fresh face of Canon: Avril Lavigne. You, at Canon Canada, should hold your heads high for making the perfect selection of celebrity to showcase your Rebel line of digital SLR cameras, and an ELPH line of compact point and shoot cameras. Why, when I think of Ms. Lavigne, there's one streaming thought that runs rampant through my mind like a vicious celeb obsessed cycle of envy and shame; it's what a hardcore rebel Avril Lavigne truly is. She personifies everything that is cool and trendy with society today. She came out with that unbelievably catchy song.. something about being complicated for stealing your boyfriend and then being angry and sad and misunderstood. I think it was called, Every Single She's Ever Released.
When she parades around in in a pink bedazzled ensemble, taking pictures and throwing her proverbial middle finger up high in the air to anyone who's going to judge her because she's such a unique bad ass, all I can think about is how much I would purchase ANYTHING so I can have that, if only for a flittering moment. THEN I find out there's a new Canon microsite, shootlikeastar.ca, where fans can upload their photos and personalize them with images and such accessories as tiaras or feather boas from the commercials; be still my heart! Avril, you have come so far from your days as a tie toting alternative individual, to a fairy princess commercialized uncompromising pink panther that exemplifies what a Rebel truly is. Thank you Canon; I have taken out a bank loan to purchase as many cameras as I can carry in my Avril Lavigne inspired black and white checkered studded backpack. If I can make a suggestion for any future lines of camera that is to come, that maybe needs a Rebel type celeb endorser, I would say either the Jonas Brothers, or Miley Cyrus. Oh, and for any revolutionary up and coming product that needs a hip, nifty celebrity to really catch people's attention? Either Nicholas Cage or Bea Arthur, Dorothy Zbornak from the hit tv show, "The Golden Girls". Best of luck; can't wait to start taking pictures and sell my soul!
Sarah Bertrand
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