December 28, 2008
Dear Canadian Tire,
My name is Sarah Bertrand, and I am a 25 year old organization enthusiast, who has sashayed down your aisles of inconvenience for the very last time.
I am appalled.. no, nauseated, at the reality of every single one of your stores being laid out completely different.
I don't know if you're trying to keep us faithful consumers on our toes, Canadian Tire, but I for one have run out of toes.
The Canadian Tire near Sherway Gardens always stores their winter treasures in aisle 92. This is where I assumed every Canadian Tire housed their winter treasures.
I recently scrambled into the Canadian Tire at Mavis and Dundas, and was headed to aisle 92 for my shovel and icemelt.
Do you know what I found in aisle 92, Canadian Tire? After I trekked across what felt the entire country, I did not find winter treasures; I found Polly Pockets, BBQ parts, and Rubbermaid bins. Nothing that remotely resembled a shovel or icemelt. They weren't even in the same category, like a spade and a bucket. They didn't have anything to do with eachother. I was left aghast, overwrought with anger, frustration, shame.. and I demand retribution. After that, I couldn't even see my simply scribbled list of necessities my mother had tucked safely in my fanny pack for me, through the blur of tears that had began swelling in my eyes. I crumpled the list in my sweaty bloated hands, and I threw it. I threw it into one of the clearly tampered with Rubbermaid containers, slammed on the lid, and said a silent prayer that hopefully sent it to hell.
I cantered out of that locale as quickly as my petulant legs would carry me, and I made a pact with myself never to step foot into another Canadian Tire as long as I live.
I can't believe you would do this to me. I can't believe you would do this to us all.
Unless Helen Keller is the Head of Marketing for Canadian Tire, you owe me, and everyone of your other customers, an apology. I demand every Canadian Tire to organize their stores in the exact same manner, three hundred dollars in Canadian Tire money, and icemelt and a shovel. I don't think that's asking too much.
I thank you for your time, and look forward to my retribution immediately.
Sarah Bertrand.
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