Dear Four Paws,
My name is Sarah Bertrand, and I am a 25 year old semi inspirational speaker, and animal enthusiast.
While shopping at a local pet store, I came across your Four Paws: Pet Dental Advanced Dental Care Tarter Control Treatment product. Since Schmoopy, my shih- lhasa bichon- terrier, or "exotic hybrid" as PJs Pet Store called her when I purchased her, has issues with her teeth, I decided that this product was a necessity that day.
I purchased your Four Paws: Pet Dental Advanced Dental Care Tarter Control Treatment product in good faith, without reading the back of the box, and started on my long trek home. (I have to walk 30 miles in the snow, barefoot, each way, but my purebred puppy is worth it).
I took it home, out of the package, and sat Schmoopy down. This is when I decided to read the directions. That, Four Paws, is when this whole operation went awry. I'm not entirely sure how your manager of marketing or operations conceded that it was possible for any animal to sit down and open it's mouth with no resistance until it's teeth are good and clean, but the directions you have consigned are completely unrealistic. You may as well assign directions on how to use telepathy to guide your canine to scoop it's own feces.
Don't even get me started on the flavour your inferior company offers. Mint? Why mint? Dogs don't like mint. They like chicken, beef, or poop.
The statistics you haphazardly threw onto your package were clearly fabricated to fit your agenda, plus I heard that Four Paws dental products cause 87% of all gum disease. Ever. Even in humans.
In conclusion, I believe it's a fair statement to say that everything your company spawns should immediately be discarded. I don't think it's out of line for me to ask for you, Four Paws, to cease production immediately, and dispatch a letter of apology to me personally, for all of my troubles. As well as the cost of the Four Paws: Pet Dental Advanced Dental Care Tarter Control Treatment product, to which I cannot remember how much I paid, but I'm sure it was unacceptable.
Sarah Bertrand
***RESPONSE: JANUARY 19TH, 2009***
RE: displeasure with Four Paws: Pet Dental Advanced Dental Care Tarter Control Treatment
Monday, January 19, 2009 8:28 AM
From: "Customer Service - Four Paws"
To: sarahbertrand13@yahoo.com
Dear Ms. Bertrand,
I do apologize for your dissatisfaction with the Pet Dental Product that you purchased. Brushing dogs teeth is a very common practice. Not an easy one for sure, but determination prevails. Our new line of Natural Dental Products is Mint flavored, which many dogs do enjoy. We do also make dog toothpaste in Poultry & Beef flavors. As far as the statistics, you claim were "hap-hazardly thrown" on our label, we are not allowed by law to state things that arent true. Unlike, your ridiculous statement that 87% of gum disease is caused by our products. I am sorry you will no longer be purchasing our products, you and your pet will be missing out on wonderful things, manufactured by a reputable company. Best Regards,
Customer Service
Four Paws Products, LTD
50 Wireless Blvd.
Hauppauge, NY 11788
(631) 434-1100 - Phone
(631) 434-1183 - Fax
RE: displeasure with Four Paws: Pet Dental Advanced Dental Care Tarter Control Treatment
Monday, January 19, 2009 4:36 PM
From: "Sarah Bertrand"
Dear Dana,
I thank you tremendously for your email back in regards to my email of displeasure. Although I am sure you are paid an obscene amount of money to cater to the demands of your employer, as well as covering up the company you work for's sub par products. I respect that Dana, and you know what? I like you. 63% of my heart tells me I should forgive Four Paws, and you know what Dana? That's the majority, and that's good enough for me. Although I can't negotiate my self respect with you, I will tell you that I`ll give your company another chance if you send me a prototype of a new flavour of toothpaste for me to try on my puppy. I want it to be titled, Tangerine Whimsy, and to smell like fruit and magic. Congratulations on doing a fabulous job Dana. I`m not going to groom my dog in any way until I receive your package. My canine`s canines depend on you, Dana. Have a great night!
Warmest regards.
Sarah Bertrand.
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