Monday, June 17, 2013

Inapark Sings and Dances!

Hey friends!

Man June has been nuts. How has your June been so far? The Inapark Musical, "Inapark; In A Park" (right?) is shaping up to be pretty rad. Just solidifying songs, and organizing everything so all that's left for Pride weekend is to have fun! So grateful for my friends and family who helped me to get a booth, and my supporters who are helping me with all of these projects. I'm a very lucky gal.

SOLIDIFIED DATE AND TIME: Inapark Musical, Sunday June 30th and 3:25pm at the stage at Church and Wellesley.

Soooo, I went a lil crazy in Dollarama today. Paul and I decided that since we're going to inevitably not have anywhere near the funding most of the other booth's will, that we're gonna make it the best damn lemonade stand lookin', homemade Pride booth in the world. With glitter!

Sweet dreams, Inaparkers.

Sarah B

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