Monday, August 20, 2012

"Fifty Shades of Gay" was a hit!

Thank you so much to everyone who came out to support me yesterday, for my grad show at The Second City. Fifty Shades of Gay exceeded my expectations, and made for an awesome afternoon. Although I'm sad that my classes at The Second City are over, I'm so excited for future ventures and projects. Sunday, September 23rd, Inapark Productions will have a booth at The Word On the Street Festival in downtown Toronto. This will be the first time that my second book, Sketch, will be available. It's based on my year at The Second City. It's full of all the sketches I've done, a few letters, some extras, and little stories and intros to my work. Also, September 27th, from 7:30pm- 9:30pm, will be the official book launch of Sketch, at the Glad Day Bookshop. This will be a fun, really neat night full of sketch comedy, special guests, music and drinks. Please mark your calendars; all of your support is so important to me.

"Jane", and "Cassandra", from my sketch "Jane", that was performed in "Fifty Shades of Gay".

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