Sunday, September 8, 2013 How Do I Get In Touch With A Celebrity Adoption Agency?

How do I get in touch with a celebrity adoption agency?

I want to get pregnant, and to give my baby the best life possible. I think the best way to do this would be to have a celebrity baby. Since I'm single, and not a celebrity, how can I get in touch with a famous adoption agency? Also I feel like my baby could be the next fashion icon, like Suri Cruise. But no Scientology.

- Planes
"Hee hee!"

- samantha
"go on google and type it celebrity adoption agency and you will find it."

- Pip
"You need a reality check. The best life a child can have have is with both or one of his or her parents. It saddens me when children who have been adopted by celebrities are constantly in the media. They may have a financially good life and no doubt they are loved but they can't really have a 100% normal life because of their parents."

- Lilah
"You're either an idiot or a troll." (I reported this asshole for hurting my feelings. And being an overall dick.)

- Scifichi...
"There is no such thing. Celebrities use a wide variety of agencies and lawyers to adopt. You need a reality check, it isn't going to happen. I can assure you that adoptive parents are highly screened and if you think adoption is best for you and your child then try to look into it more."

- Theta Works
"No idea."

"Please, work with an agency that will help place your baby with a loving and stable family. Don't look for a celebrity."

- Marnie B
"Go to Hollywood and hang out near a bridge. Troll."

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